In an innovative social media trend that’s taking TikTok by storm, engaged couples are reaching out to their favorite brands and celebrities with wedding invitations — and receiving amazing freebies, gifts, and even personal messages in return. This heartwarming trend not only adds a unique twist to wedding planning but also showcases the power of community and connection in the digital age.
Taking inspiration from the Facebook group Wedding Celebrity Contact, many have decided to put their extra wedding invitations and save-the-dates to good use. With this trend, wedding planning has taken a new turn as couples are not only sending out invitations to friends and family but also to well-known companies and public figures. The result? Freebies, gifts, and even sponsorships for their big day!
Lindsey shares her successes from using info found on the
Wedding Celebrity Contact Facebook group.
The Power of Social Media Connections
Platforms like TikTok have become more than just a place to share dance videos or funny clips; they’re now serving as virtual hubs for networking and creativity. Couples are harnessing the platform’s reach to connect with brands and celebrities they admire, turning their wedding invitations into opportunities for unexpected collaborations.
@JVT Entertainment shared how one of his followers clued him into using industry resources to reach out to celebs’ agents and publicists to invite their clients to weddings.
One of the most notable examples is the trend of sending wedding invitations to celebrities, showcased in videos like those from TikTok users @thelindseyhiggins and @daltonandanna. These users have shared their experiences reaching out to famous personalities like Adam Sandler, Guy Fieri, and even sports teams like the Steelers and Patriots, hoping for a response or acknowledgment.
From Celebrities to Corporations
It’s not just celebrities that couples are targeting with their wedding invites; they’re also reaching out to companies for potential sponsorships or gifts. Videos from users like @dena_habboush showcase this trend, where couples send invites to companies ranging from airlines like Delta to retail brands like LEGO and Altar’d State. The result? Thoughtful gifts, sponsorships, and even personalized responses that add an extra layer of excitement to the wedding planning process.
Building Community and Sharing Tips
Beyond just showcasing their own experiences, TikTok users are also sharing tips and tricks with fellow brides and grooms. From strategies on finding celebrity addresses, as seen in videos from @jvtentertainment, to recommending Facebook groups dedicated to wedding celebrity contacts, like the one mentioned by @nicolej_7, the community is coming together to support each other’s endeavors.
The Future of the Wedding Invite Trend
As the trend continues to grow, and hype builds on social media, one can expect that more and more companies will start to participate in the trend for the free PR it generates from all of the positive user-generated content. So don’t be worried that the free goodies will run out, we predict that the number of companies that respond to wedding invites like this will only continue to grow!
Join the Community that Started it All!
Are you or a loved one engaged? Join our new Facebook Group now! The concept is thrilling: send your extra wedding invites to celebrities and brands, and you might get free swag, gift cards, and even autographs! Don’t miss out on making your wedding extra special.